Direktori : /home/pantanal/public_html/admin/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/upload/cfm/ |
Current File : /home/pantanal/public_html/admin/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/upload/cfm/config.cfm |
<!--- * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php * * For further information visit: * http://www.fckeditor.net/ * * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?" * * File Name: config.cfm * Configuration file for the ColdFusion File Uploader. * * File Authors: * Wim Lemmens (didgiman@gmail.com) ---> <cfscript> config = StructNew(); // SECURITY: You must explicitelly enable this "uploader". config.enabled = false; // Path to uploaded files relative to the document root. config.userFilesPath = "/UserFiles/"; config.serverPath = ""; // use this to force the server path if FCKeditor is not running directly off the root of the application or the FCKeditor directory in the URL is a virtual directory or a symbolic link / junction config.allowedExtensions = StructNew(); config.deniedExtensions = StructNew(); config.allowedExtensions["File"] = ""; config.deniedExtensions["File"] = "php,asp,aspx,ascx,jsp,cfm,cfc,pl,bat,exe,com,dll,vbs,js,reg"; config.allowedExtensions["Image"] = "png,gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp"; config.deniedExtensions["Image"] = ""; config.allowedExtensions["Flash"] = "swf,fla"; config.deniedExtensions["Flash"] = ""; </cfscript> <!--- code to maintain backwards compatibility with previous version of cfm connector ---> <cfif isDefined("application.userFilesPath")> <cflock scope="application" type="readonly" timeout="5"> <cfset config.userFilesPath = application.userFilesPath> </cflock> <cfelseif isDefined("server.userFilesPath")> <cflock scope="server" type="readonly" timeout="5"> <cfset config.userFilesPath = server.userFilesPath> </cflock> </cfif> <!--- look for config struct in request, application and server scopes ---> <cfif isDefined("request.FCKeditor") and isStruct(request.FCKeditor)> <cfset variables.FCKeditor = request.FCKeditor> <cfelseif isDefined("application.FCKeditor") and isStruct(application.FCKeditor)> <cflock scope="application" type="readonly" timeout="5"> <cfset variables.FCKeditor = duplicate(application.FCKeditor)> </cflock> <cfelseif isDefined("server.FCKeditor") and isStruct(server.FCKeditor)> <cflock scope="server" type="readonly" timeout="5"> <cfset variables.FCKeditor = duplicate(server.FCKeditor)> </cflock> </cfif> <cfif isDefined("FCKeditor")> <!--- copy key values from external to local config (i.e. override default config as required) ---> <cfscript> function structCopyKeys(stFrom, stTo) { for ( key in stFrom ) { if ( isStruct(stFrom[key]) ) { structCopyKeys(stFrom[key],stTo[key]); } else { stTo[key] = stFrom[key]; } } } structCopyKeys(FCKeditor, config); </cfscript> </cfif>