Current File : //var/softaculous/pmwiki/changelog.txt
Version 2.4.2 (2025-01-31)
Fix intermittent bug with pmwiki-darktoggle.js, reported by Johan Bengtsson.
PmLib add intval(), minmax().
Update documentation.
Version 2.4.1 (2025-01-27)
Updates for recent PHP versions, reported by Simon Davis.
Fix bug with $EnableUploadDrop.
Update documentation.
Version 2.4.0 (2025-01-19)
Simplify docs/sample-config.php
?action=diag to include defined constants and functions.
Add directory pub/lib with pmwiki-utils.js, pmwiki-darktoggle.js; move PmSyntax files there.
Add core JavaScript library pub/lib/pmwiki-lib.js with helper functions used by the core and can be used by recipes.
Add pub/lib/pmwiki-core.css with core styles that were previously injected in $HTLMStylesFmt.
Responsive skin remove styles that are already in pub/lib/pmwiki-core.css.
Add $HTMLHeader1Fmt.
$EnableCopyCode fix bug when disabled on HTTPS.
Edit form "Preview" button to not require validation.
Recent changes [+] button will now toggle to [-] and hide the page changes.
Fix JS console error when Cookbook:LocalTimes is enabled but has never been used.
Handle more gracefully bad arguments with {(substr)} in UTF-8, reported by Martin Cuno.
Add $EditAutoBrackets, $EnableEditAutoText = 2 to enable in all textareas, new shortcuts Alt+ArrowUp and Alt+ArrowDown to swap lines, other improvements to guiedit.js.
If $EnablePmSyntax is set to 2, any textarea with the class name "pmsyntax" will now enable Cookbook:PmSyntax. F8 to toggle highlighting.
RecipeCheck restore inadvertantly commented out styles.
Add $EnableUploadTargets and $UploadTargets.
Add $RehashedPassword.
Add $PagePathResolveFmt.
Edit form Preview button to not require validation.
Forms added (:input range:), enable atribute data-labelvalue="1".
Add helper function XLHSC(), update PosArgs().
Improve $EnableMergeLastMinorEdit.
Restructure Table of Contents.
Update documentation.
Version 2.3.38 (2024-11-03) ↑
Add helper function PosArgs($args, $posnames).
Refactor $MessagesFmt to allow nested arrays with keys that can be set from recipes and new attributes (:messages keys=a,b details=open:). If a message starts with "markup:" it will now be processed through the markup engine.
Add $UploadBlockPatterns, deprecate $UploadBlacklist.
PmForm update for PHP 8, add {$$CurrentLocalTime}.
Notify update for PHP 8.3 (PITS:01513).
Wikistyles allow for calc operators + / * (PITS:01514).
Update documentation.
Version 2.3.37 (2024-08-21) ↑
Update for PHP 8.
Responsive skin: cache SkinElements pages.
Add helper function PRI() "PmWiki Recursive Implode".
pmwiki-utils.js add "draggable".
Add PageVariable {$GroupHomePageUrl}.
$EnableSortable, $EnableSimpleTableRowspan enabled by default.
PmSyntax update for $EnableSimpleTableRowspan and for Cookbook:InputStar; fix line-height for some skin configurations.
Add $EnableCommonEnhancements, update docs/sample-config.php, remove from sample-config.php $EnableNotSavedWarning which was enabled in 2.3.0.
Add $EnableObfuscateEmails, $EnablePreserveLineBreaks.
Add $EnableUrlApprove, $EnablePmForm, $EnableCreole, $EnableRefCount, $EnableFeeds (PITS:01511).
(:input e_minorcheckbox:) to include label and title per $EnableMergeLastMinorEdit, update Site.EditForm, XLPage.
Anchors remove deprecated name="" attribute.
Meta Content-type moved early and configurable.
Update documentation.