Direktori : /var/softaculous/phpical/ |
Current File : //var/softaculous/phpical/index.php |
<?php define('BASE', '../'); $current_view = 'admin'; require_once(BASE.'functions/init.inc.php'); require_once(BASE.'functions/admin_functions.php'); require_once(BASE.'functions/template.php'); #echo "<pre>";print_r($_REQUEST); if (empty($phpiCal_config->default_path)) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) { $default_path = 'https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],0,strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'/admin/')); } else { $default_path = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],0,strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'/admin/')); } } if ($phpiCal_config->allow_admin != 'yes') { exit(error('The administration menu has been turned off.', '', '/..')); } // Logout by clearing session variables if ((isset($_GET['action'])) && ($_GET['action'] == 'logout')) { $_SESSION['phpical_loggedin'] = FALSE; unset($_SESSION['phpical_username']); unset($_SESSION['phpical_password']); } // if $auth_method == 'server', don't do any authentication $username = @$_POST['username']; $password = @$_POST['password']; if ($phpiCal_config->auth_method == 'server') { $is_loged_in = TRUE; } else { $is_loged_in = FALSE; if (is_loggedin()) { $is_loged_in = TRUE; } if (isset($username) && @$_GET['action'] != 'logout') { $is_loged_in = login ($username, $password); } } $login_good = ($is_loged_in) ? '' : 'oops'; $login_bad = ((!$is_loged_in) && (@$_GET['action'] == 'login')) ? 'oops' : ''; $delete_msg = ''; $addupdate_msg = ''; if(is_loggedin()){ // Delete a calendar // Not at all secure - need to strip out path info if used by users besides admin in the future if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'delete') { foreach ($_POST['delete_calendar'] as $filename) { if (!delete_cal(urldecode($filename))) { $delete_msg = $delete_msg . '<font color="red">' . $lang['l_delete_error'] . ' ' . urldecode(substr($filename,0,-4)) . '</font><br />'; } else { $delete_msg = $delete_msg . '<font color="green">' . urldecode(substr($filename,0,-4)) . ' ' . $lang['l_delete_success'] . '</font><br />'; } } } // Add or Update a calendar if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'addupdate') { for ($filenumber = 1; $filenumber < 6; $filenumber++) { $file = $_FILES['calfile']; $addupdate_success = FALSE; if (!is_uploaded_file_v4($file['tmp_name'][$filenumber])) { $upload_error = get_upload_error($file['error'][$filenumber]); } elseif (!is_uploaded_ics($file['name'][$filenumber])) { $upload_error = $upload_error_type_lang; } elseif (!copy_cal($file['tmp_name'][$filenumber], $file['name'][$filenumber])) { $upload_error = $copy_error_lang . " " . $file['tmp_name'][$filenumber] . " - " . $calendar_path . "/" . $file['name'][$filenumber]; } else { $addupdate_success = TRUE; } if ($addupdate_success == TRUE) { $addupdate_msg = $addupdate_msg . '<font color="green">'.$lang['l_cal_file'].' #'.$filenumber.': '.$lang['l_action_success'].'</font><br />'; } else { $addupdate_msg = $addupdate_msg . '<font color="red">'.$lang['l_cal_file'].' #'.$filenumber.': '.$lang['l_upload_error'].'</font><br />'; } } } } $calendar_name = $lang['l_admin_header']; $page = new Page(BASE.'templates/'.$phpiCal_config->template.'/admin.tpl'); $page->replace_files(array( 'header' => BASE.'templates/'.$phpiCal_config->template.'/header.tpl', 'footer' => BASE.'templates/'.$phpiCal_config->template.'/footer.tpl' )); $page->replace_tags(array( 'version' => $phpiCal_config->phpicalendar_version, 'event_js' => '', 'charset' => $phpiCal_config->charset, 'default_path' => $phpiCal_config->default_path."/..", 'template' => $phpiCal_config->template, 'cal' => $cal, 'getdate' => $getdate, 'calendar_name' => $calendar_name, 'display_date' => '', 'current_view' => $current_view, # 'sidebar_date' => $sidebar_date, 'rss_powered' => $rss_powered, 'rss_available' => '', 'rss_valid' => '', 'show_search' => '', 'login_error' => $login_bad, 'display_login' => $login_good, 'delete_msg' => $delete_msg, 'addupdate_msg' => $addupdate_msg, 'l_day' => $lang['l_day'], 'l_week' => $lang['l_week'], 'l_month' => $lang['l_month'], 'l_year' => $lang['l_year'], 'l_admin_header' => $lang['l_admin_header'], 'l_admin_subhead' => $lang['l_admin_subhead'], 'l_invalid_login' => $lang['l_invalid_login'], 'l_username' => $lang['l_username'], 'l_password' => $lang['l_password'], 'l_cal_file' => $lang['l_cal_file'], 'l_delete_cal' => $lang['l_delete_cal'], 'l_delete' => $lang['l_delete'], 'l_logout' => $lang['l_logout'], 'l_login' => $lang['l_login'], 'l_submit' => $lang['l_submit'], 'l_addupdate_cal' => $lang['l_addupdate_cal'], 'l_addupdate_desc' => $lang['l_addupdate_desc'], 'l_powered_by' => $lang['l_powered_by'], 'l_this_site_is' => $lang['l_this_site_is'] )); $page->draw_admin(); $page->output(); ?>