Current File : //usr/share/doc/xorgproto/renderproto.txt
The X Rendering Extension
Version 0.11
Keith Packard
1. Introduction
The X Rendering Extension (Render) introduces digital image composition as
the foundation of a new rendering model within the X Window System.
Rendering geometric figures is accomplished by client-side tessellation into
either triangles or trapezoids. Text is drawn by loading glyphs into the
server and rendering sets of them.
2. Acknowledgments
This extension was the work of many people, in particular:
+ Thomas Porter and Tom Duff for their formal description
of image compositing.
+ Rob Pike and Russ Cox who designed the Plan 9 window system from
which the compositing model was lifted.
+ Juliusz Chroboczek and Raph Levien whose proposal for client-side
glyph management eliminated font handling from the X server.
+ Jon Leech, Brad Grantham and Allen Akin for patiently explaining
how OpenGL works.
+ Carl Worth for providing the sample implementation of
trapezoid rendering and showing how broken the spec was
+ Sam Pottle and Jamey Sharp for helping demonstrate the correctness
of the trapezoid specification.
+ Owen Taylor for helping specify projective transformations
3. Rendering Model
Render provides a single rendering operation which can be used in a variety of
ways to generate images:
dest = (source IN mask) OP dest
Where 'IN' is the Porter/Duff operator of that name and 'OP' is any of the
list of compositing operators described below, among which can be found all
of the Porter/Duff binary operators.
To use this operator several additional values are required:
+ The destination rectangle. This is a subset of the destination
within which the rendering is performed.
+ The source location. This identifies the coordinate in the
source aligned with the upper left corner of the
destination rectangle.
+ The mask location. This identifies the coordinate in the
mask aligned with the upper left corner of the
destination rectangle.
+ A clip list. This limits the rendering to the intersection of the
destination rectangle with this clip list.
+ The OP to use
+ Whether the source should be repeated to cover the destination
rectangle, extended with a constant pixel value or extended by
using the nearest available source pixel.
+ Whether the mask should be repeated to cover the destination
rectangle, extended with a constant pixel value or extended by
using the nearest available mask pixel.
+ Whether the mask has a single alpha value for all four channels or
whether each mask channel should affect the associated source/dest
+ Whether the source should be reshaped with a projective
transformation, and if so, what filter to apply while
resampling the data.
+ Whether the mask should be reshaped with a projective
transformation, and if so, what filter to apply while
resampling the data.
These parameters are variously attached to the operands or included in each
rendering request.
4. Data types
The core protocol rendering system uses a pixel model and applies color only
in the final generation of the video signal. A compositing model operates
on colors, not pixel values so a new datatype is needed to interpret data as
color instead of just bits.
The "PictFormat" object holds information needed to translate pixel values
into red, green, blue and alpha channels. The server has a list of picture
formats corresponding to the various visuals on the screen. There are two
classes of formats, Indexed and Direct. Indexed PictFormats hold a list of
pixel values and RGBA values while Direct PictFormats hold bit masks for each
of R, G, B and A.
The "Picture" object contains a Drawable, a PictFormat and some
rendering state. More than one Picture can refer to the same Drawable.
5. Errors
Errors are sent using core X error reports.
A value for a PICTFORMAT argument does not name a defined PICTFORMAT.
A value for a PICTURE argument does not name a defined PICTURE.
A value for a PICTOP argument does not name a defined PICTOP.
A value for a GLYPHSET argument does not name a defined GLYPHSET.
A value for a GLYPH argument does not name a defined GLYPH in the
6. Protocol Types
PICTURE 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero)
PICTFORMAT 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero)
PICTTYPE { Indexed, Direct }
PICTOP { Clear, Src, Dst, Over, OverReverse, In, InReverse,
Out, OutReverse, Atop, AtopReverse, Xor, Add, Saturate,
DisjointClear, DisjointSrc, DisjointDst, DisjointOver,
DisjointOverReverse, DisjointIn, DisjointInReverse,
DisjointOut, DisjointOutReverse, DisjointAtop,
DisjointAtopReverse, DisjointXor,
ConjointClear, ConjointSrc, ConjointDst, ConjointOver,
ConjointOverReverse, ConjointIn, ConjointInReverse,
ConjointOut, ConjointOutReverse, ConjointAtop,
ConjointAtopReverse, ConjointXor,
Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten, ColorDodge,
ColorBurn, HardLight, SoftLight, Difference, Exclusion,
HSLHue, HSLSaturation, HSLColor, HSLLuminosity
SUBPIXEL { Unknown, HorizontalRGB, HorizontalBGR,
VerticalRGB, VerticalBGR, None
red, green, blue, alpha: CARD16
shift, mask: CARD16
red, green, blue, alpha: CHANNELMASK
pixel: Pixel;
red, green, blue, alpha: CARD16
depth: CARD8
colormap: COLORMAP or None
visual: VISUALID or None
depth: CARD8
FIXED 32-bit value (top 16 are integer portion, bottom 16 are fraction)
p11, p12, p13: FIXED
p21, p22, p23: FIXED
p31, p32, p33: FIXED
x, y: FIXED
POLYEDGE { Sharp, Smooth }
POLYMODE { Precise, Imprecise }
REPEAT { None, Regular, Pad, Reflect }
color: COLOR
left, right, y: FIXED
left, right, y: FIXED
left_color: COLOR
right_color: COLOR
p1, p2, p3, p4: POINTFIX
p1, p2, p3: POINTFIX
p1, p2: POINTFIX
top, bottom: SPANFIX
top, bottom: FIXED
left, right: LINEFIX
(TRAPEZOID is deprecated)
GLYPHSET 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero)
GLYPH 32-bit value
width, height: CARD16
x, y: INT16
off-x, off-y: INT16
x, y: INT16
dx, dy: INT16
glyphs: LISTofCARD8
dx, dy: INT16
glyphs: LISTofCARD16
dx, dy: INT16
glyphs: LISTofCARD32
cursor: CURSOR
delay: CARD32
7. Standard PictFormats
The server must support a Direct PictFormat with 8 bits each of red, green,
blue and alpha as well as a Direct PictFormat with 8 bits of red, green and
blue and 0 bits of alpha. The server must also support Direct PictFormats
with 1, 4 and 8 bits of alpha and 0 bits of r, g and b.
Pixel component values lie in the close range [0,1]. These values are
encoded in a varying number of bits. Values are encoded in a straight
forward manner. For a component encoded in m bits, a binary encoding b
is equal to a component value of b/(2^m-1).
A Direct PictFormat with zero bits of alpha component is declared to have
alpha == 1 everywhere. A Direct PictFormat with zero bits of red, green and
blue is declared to have red, green, blue == 0 everywhere. If any of red,
green or blue components are of zero size, all are of zero size. Direct
PictFormats never have colormaps and are therefore screen independent.
Indexed PictFormats never have alpha channels and the direct component is all
zeros. Indexed PictFormats always have a colormap in which the specified
colors are allocated read-only and are therefore screen dependent. Drawing
to in Indexed Picture uses only pixel values listed by QueryPictIndexValues.
Reading from an Indexed Picture uses red, green and blue values from the
colormap and alpha values from those listed by QueryPictIndexValues. Pixel
values not present in QueryPictIndexValues are given alpha values of 1.
8. Compositing Operators
For each pixel, the four channels of the image are computed with:
C = Ca * Fa + Cb * Fb
where C, Ca, Cb are the values of the respective channels and Fa and Fb
come from the following table:
PictOp Fa Fb
Clear 0 0
Src 1 0
Dst 0 1
Over 1 1-Aa
OverReverse 1-Ab 1
In Ab 0
InReverse 0 Aa
Out 1-Ab 0
OutReverse 0 1-Aa
Atop Ab 1-Aa
AtopReverse 1-Ab Aa
Xor 1-Ab 1-Aa
Add 1 1
Saturate min(1,(1-Ab)/Aa) 1
DisjointClear 0 0
DisjointSrc 1 0
DisjointDst 0 1
DisjointOver 1 min(1,(1-Aa)/Ab)
DisjointOverReverse min(1,(1-Ab)/Aa) 1
DisjointIn max(1-(1-Ab)/Aa,0) 0
DisjointInReverse 0 max(1-(1-Aa)/Ab,0)
DisjointOut min(1,(1-Ab)/Aa) 0
DisjointOutReverse 0 min(1,(1-Aa)/Ab)
DisjointAtop max(1-(1-Ab)/Aa,0) min(1,(1-Aa)/Ab)
DisjointAtopReverse min(1,(1-Ab)/Aa) max(1-(1-Aa)/Ab,0)
DisjointXor min(1,(1-Ab)/Aa) min(1,(1-Aa)/Ab)
ConjointClear 0 0
ConjointSrc 1 0
ConjointDst 0 1
ConjointOver 1 max(1-Aa/Ab,0)
ConjointOverReverse max(1-Ab/Aa,0) 1
ConjointIn min(1,Ab/Aa) 0
ConjointInReverse 0 min(Aa/Ab,1)
ConjointOut max(1-Ab/Aa,0) 0
ConjointOutReverse 0 max(1-Aa/Ab,0)
ConjointAtop min(1,Ab/Aa) max(1-Aa/Ab,0)
ConjointAtopReverse max(1-Ab/Aa,0) min(1,Aa/Ab)
ConjointXor max(1-Ab/Aa,0) max(1-Aa/Ab,0)
Saturate and DisjointOverReverse are the same. They match OpenGL
compositing with FUNC_ADD, SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE, ONE, except that Render uses
premultiplied alpha while Open GL uses non-premultiplied alpha.
The result of any compositing operator is always limited to the range
[0,1] for each component. Components whose value would be greater than 1
are set to 1.
For operations involving division, when the divisor is zero, define the
quotient to be positive infinity. The result is always well defined
because the division is surrounded with a max or min operator which will
give a finite result.
When the mask contains separate alpha values for each channel, the
alpha value resulting from the combination of that value with the source
alpha channel is used in the final image composition.
9. Source and Mask Transformations
When fetching pixels from the source or mask pictures, Render provides four
options for pixel values which fall outside the drawable (this includes
pixels within a window geometry obscured by other windows).
+ None. Missing values are replaced with transparent.
+ Pad. Replace missing pixels with the nearest available
pixel. Where multiple pixels are equidistant, select
those with smallest Y and then smallest X coordinates
+ Normal. Select the pixel which would appear were the
drawable tiled to enclose the missing coordinate. If
the tiling doesn't cover the coordinate, use the
selected Constant or Nearest mode.
* Reflect. Select the pixel which would appear were the
drawable tiled to enclose the missing coordinate in such a
way that tiles in even numbered columns are reflected in the Y
axis, and tiles in even numbered rows are reflected in the X
axis. Tiles that in both an even numbered row and an even
numbered column are reflected in both axes.
To construct the source and mask operands, the computed pixels values are
transformed through a homogeneous matrix, filtered and then used in the
fundamental rendering operator described above. Each screen provides a list
of supported filter names. There are a few required filters, and several
required filter alias which must map to one of the available filters.
10. Polygon Rasterization
Render provides only two kinds of polygons, trapezoids and triangles. To
improve efficiency, several different wire encodings exist for each.
All trapezoids must be convex. Rendering of concave trapezoids is unspecified
except that the result must obey the clipping rules.
Polygons are rasterized by implicit generating an alpha mask and using that
in the general compositing operator along with a supplied source image:
tmp = Rasterize (polygon)
Composite (op, dst, src, tmp)
When rasterized with Sharp edges, the mask is computed with a depth of 1 so
that all of the mask values are either 0 or 1.
When rasterized with Smooth edges, the mask is generated by creating a square
around each pixel coordinate and computing the amount of that square covered
by the polygon. This ignores sampling theory but it provides a precise
definition which is close to the right answer. This value is truncated to
the alpha width in the fallback format before application of the compositing
Alpha values are generated by point sampling the coverage of a square
surrounding the center of each pixel by the polygon.
In Precise poly mode, the sample points are located in a regular grid. When
alpha depth 'e' is even, the regular grid is 2**(e/2) + 1 samples wide and
2**(e/2) -1 samples high. For odd alpha depth 'o', the sample grid is 2**o
- 1 samples wide and 1 sample high. Note that odd alpha depth usually
occurs only at depth 1, so this misshapen sample grid has no ill effects.
The sample grid is centered within the pixel and then each sample point is
rounded down to a point on the sub-pixel coordinate grid.
In Imprecise mode, the location of the sample points is not specified, but
the implementation must conform to the following constraints:
+ Abutting edges must match precisely. When specifying two polygons
abutting along a common edge, if that edge is specified with the
same coordinates in each polygon then the sum of alpha values for
pixels inside the union of the two polygons must be precisely one.
+ Translationally invariant. The pixelization of the polygon must
be the same when either the polygon or the target drawable
are translated by any whole number of pixels in any direction.
+ Sharp edges are honored. When the polygon is rasterized with Sharp
edges, the implicit alpha mask will contain only 1 or 0 for
each pixel.
+ Order independent. Two identical polygons specified with vertices
in different orders must generate identical results.
11. Image Filtering
When computing pixels from source and mask images, a filter may be applied
to the data. This is usually used with a non-identity transformation
matrix, but filtering may be applied with an identity transformation.
Each filter is given a unique name encoded as an ISO Latin-1 string.
Filters may be configured with a list of fixed point values; the number of
parameters and their interpretation is currently left to conventions passed
outside of the protocol. A set of standard filters are required to be
Filter Name Description
nearest Nearest neighbor filtering
bilinear Linear interpolation in two dimensions
Additional names may be provided for any filter as aliases. A set of
standard alias names are required to be mapped to a provided filter so that
applications can use the alias names without checking for availability.
Alias name Intended interpretation
fast High performance, quality similar to Nearest
good Reasonable performance, quality similar to Bilinear
best Highest quality available, performance may not
be suitable for interactive use
Aliases must map directly to a non-aliased filter name.
There is also a set of standard filters which are not required but may be
provided. If they are provided, using the standard name, they must match
the definition specified here.
Filter Name Description
convolution MxN convolution filter. The values specified
in SetPictureFilter are M, N and then M * N
filter parameters. M and N must be integers
represented as fixed point numbers.
gaussian Gaussian blur. The value specified is a radius
in pixels (which can be fractional). A standard
Gaussian 2D convolution filter will be applied.
binomial Binomial blur. An approximation of a Gaussian
blur using binomial coefficients
12. Glyph Rendering
Glyphs are small alpha masks which can be stored in the X server and
rendered by referring to them by name. A set of glyphs can be rendered in a
single request. Glyphs are positioned by subtracting the x, y elements of
the GLYPHINFO from the requested rendering position. The next glyph
rendering position is set to the current rendering position plus the off-x
and off-y elements.
Glyphs are stored in GlyphSets and are named within the GlyphSet with
client-specified 32-bit numbers.
Glyphs can be stored in any PictFormat supported by the server. All glyphs
in a GlyphSet are stored in the same format.
13. Extension Initialization
The client must negotiate the version of the extension before executing
extension requests. Behavior of the server is undefined otherwise.
client-major-version: CARD32
client-minor-version: CARD32
major-version: CARD32
minor-version: CARD32
The client sends the highest supported version to the server and
the server sends the highest version it supports, but no higher than
the requested version. Major versions changes can introduce
incompatibilities in existing functionality, minor version
changes introduce only backward compatible changes. It is
the clients responsibility to ensure that the server supports
a version which is compatible with its expectations.
ndepths: CARD32
nvisuals: CARD32
subpixels: LISTofSUBPIXEL
The server responds with a list of supported PictFormats and
a list of which PictFormat goes with each visual on each screen.
Every PictFormat must match a supported depth, but not every
PictFormat need have a matching visual.
The total number of PICTDEPTH and PICTVISUAL objects is this reply
is given in 'ndepths' and 'nvisuals'.
The relationship between the red, green and blue elements making
up each pixel indexed by screen is returned in subpixels.
This list is not present in servers advertising protocol
versions earlier than 0.6. This list may be shorter than
the number of screens, in which case the remaining screens
are given sub pixel order Unknown.
PictFormat, Match
Returns the mapping from pixel values to RGBA values for the
specified Indexed PictFormat. If 'format' does not refer to
an Indexed PictFormat a Match error is generated.
drawable: DRAWABLE
filters: LISTofSTRING8
aliases: LISTofCARD16
This request gets the names of available filters that can be used on the
given drawable. Filters are applied using a SetPictureFilter request.
'aliases' contains a value for each filter name which is the index into
'filters' if this name is an alias. Non-aliased filter have this value
set to 0xFFFF.
14. Extension Requests
drawable: DRAWABLE
value-mask: BITMASK
value-list: LISTofVALUE
Alloc, Drawable, IDChoice, Match, Pixmap, Picture,
PictFormat, Value
This request creates a Picture object associated with the specified
drawable and assigns the identifier pid to it. Pixel data in the
image are interpreted according to 'format'. It is a Match error
to specify a format with a different depth than the drawable. If
the drawable is a Window then the Red, Green and Blue masks must
match those in the visual for the window else a Match error is
The value-mask and value-list specify attributes of the picture that
are to be explicitly initialized. The possible values are:
repeat: REPEAT
alpha-map: PICTURE or None
alpha-x-origin: INT16
alpha-y-origin: INT16
clip-x-origin: INT16
clip-y-origin: INT16
clip-mask: PIXMAP or None
graphics-exposures: BOOL
subwindow-mode: { ClipByChildren, IncludeInferiors }
poly-edge: POLYEDGE
poly-mode: POLYMODE
dither: ATOM or None
component-alpha: BOOL
When used as a source or mask operand, Repeat indicates how the
drawable contents should be extended in both directions.
The alpha channel of alpha-map is used in place of any alpha channel
contained within the drawable for all rendering operations. The
alpha-mask origin is interpreted relative to the origin of drawable.
Rendering is additionally clipped by the geometry and clip mask of
alpha-map. Exposures to the window do not affect the contents of
alpha-map. Alpha-map must refer to a picture containing a Pixmap,
not a Window (or a Match error results). If the alpha-map picture
itself already has an alpha-map, the result is undefined.
The clip-mask restricts reads and writes to drawable. Only pixels
where the clip-mask has bits set to 1 are read or written. Pixels
are not accessed outside the area covered by the clip-mask or where
the clip-mask has bits set to 0. The clip-mask affects all graphics
requests, including sources. The clip-mask origin is interpreted
relative to the origin of the picture. If a pixmap is specified as
the clip-mask, it must have depth 1 and have the same root as the
drawable (or a Match error results). If clip-mask is None, then
pixels are always drawn, regardless of the clip origin. The
clip-mask can also be set with the SetPictureClipRectangles request.
Transformations, filters and repeat modes do not affect the clip
When a window is used as a destination, the subwindow_mode
determines what happens to pixels obscured by inferior
windows. For ClipByChildren the window is clipped by inferiors
and siblings. For IncludeInferior, the window is clipped by
siblings, but not by inferiors.
When a window is used as source or mask, the subwindow_mode is
ignored. Pixels that are obscured by other windows, whether
siblings or inferiors, have undefined contents.
The graphics-exposures flag is ignored. GraphicsExposure events are
never generated by this extension.
Poly-edge and poly-mode control the rasterization of polygons as
described above.
Dither is ignored.
Component-alpha indicates whether each image component is intended as
a separate alpha value when the picture is used as a mask operand.
The default component values are
Component Default
repeat None
clip-x-origin 0
clip-y-origin 0
clip-mask None
subwindow-mode ClipByChildren
poly-edge Smooth
poly-mode Precise
component-alpha False
value-mask: BITMASK
value-list: LISTofVALUE
Picture, Alloc, Pixmap, PictOp, Value
The value-mask and value-list specify which attributes are to be
changed. The values and restrictions are the same as for
picture: PICTURE
clip-x-origin: INT16
clip-y-origin: INT16
rectangles: LISTofRECTANGLE
Alloc, Picture
This request changes clip-mask in picture to the specified list of
rectangles and sets the clip origin. Input and output will be
clipped to remain contained within the rectangles. The clip origin
is interpreted relative to the origin of picture after
transformations and repeats have been applied. The rectangle
coordinates are interpreted relative to the clip origin.
The list of rectangles can be empty, which effectively disables
output. This is the opposite of passing None as the clip-mask in
CreatePicture and ChangePicture.
Note that output is clipped to the union of all of the rectangles
and that no particular ordering among the rectangles is required.
picture: PICTURE
transform: TRANSFORM
Alloc, Value, Picture
This request changes the projective transformation used to
map coordinates when 'picture' is used as the source or
mask in any compositing operation. The transform
maps from destination pixel geometry back to the source pixel
The matrix must be invertable, else a Value error is generated.
picture: PICTURE
filter: STRING8
values: LISTofFIXED
Value, Match, Picture
This request sets the current filter used when picture is a source
or mask operand. Filter must be one of the filters supported
for the screen associated with picture, else a Match error
is generated. If the filter accepts additional parameters,
they can be provided in values, incorrect values generate Value
errors, too many values generate Match errors. Too few values
cause the filter to assume default values for the missing
When created, Pictures are set to the Nearest filter.
This request deletes the association between the resource ID and the
picture. The picture storage will be freed when no other resource
references it.
mask: PICTURE or None
src-x, src-y: INT16
mask-x, mask-y: INT16
dst-x, dst-y: INT16
width, height: CARD16
This request combines the specified rectangle of the transformed
src and mask operands with the specified rectangle of dst using op
as the compositing operator. The coordinates are relative their
respective (transformed) drawable's origin. Rendering is clipped
to the geometry of the dst drawable and then to the dst clip-list.
Pixels outside the geometry of src or mask needed for this
computation are substituted as described in the Source and Mask
Transformations section above.
If src, mask and dst are not in the same format, and one of their
formats can hold all without loss of precision, they are converted
to that format. Alternatively, the server will convert each
operand to the fallback format.
If mask is None, it is replaced by a constant alpha value of 1.
color: COLOR
This request combines color with the destination drawable in the
area specified by rects. Each rectangle is combined separately;
overlapping areas will be rendered multiple times. The effect is
equivalent to compositing with a repeating source picture filled with
the specified color.
src-x, src-y: INT16
mask-format: PICTFORMAT or None
This request rasterizes the list of trapezoids.
For each trap, the area between the left and right edges is filled
from the top to the bottom. src-x and src-y register the pattern to
the floor of the top x and y coordinate of the left edge of the
first trapezoid, they are adjusted for subsequent trapezoids so that
the pattern remains globally aligned within the destination.
When mask-format is not None, trapezoids are rendered in the
following way with the effective mask computed in mask-format:
tmp = temporary alpha picture (in mask-format)
Combine (Zero, tmp, tmp, None)
for each trapezoid
Combine (Add, tmp, trapezoid, None)
Combine (op, dst, source, tmp)
When mask-format is None, trapezoids are rendered in the order
specified directly to the destination:
for each trapezoid
Combine (op, dst, source, trapezoid)
(The Trapezoids request is deprecated)
src-x, src-y: INT16
mask-format: PICTFORMAT or None
triangles: LISTofTRIANGLE
This request rasterizes the list of triangles in the order they
occur in the list.
When mask-format is not None, triangles are rendered in the
following way with the effective mask computed in mask-format:
tmp = temporary alpha picture (in mask-format)
Combine (Zero, tmp, tmp, None)
for each triangle
Combine (Add, tmp, triangle, None)
Combine (op, dst, source, tmp)
When mask-format is None, triangles are rendered in the order
specified directly to the destination:
for each triangle
Combine (op, dst, source, triangle)
src-x, src-y: INT16
mask-format: PICTFORMAT or None
Triangles are formed by initially using the first three points and
then by eliminating the first point and appending the next point in
the list. If fewer than three points are provided, this request does
When mask-format is not None, triangles are rendered in the
following way with the effective mask computed in mask-format:
tmp = temporary alpha picture (in mask-format)
Combine (Zero, tmp, tmp, None)
for each triangle
Combine (Add, tmp, triangle, None)
Combine (op, dst, source, tmp)
When mask-format is None, triangles are rendered in the order
specified directly to the destination:
for each triangle
Combine (op, dst, source, triangle)
src-x, src-y: INT16
mask-format: PICTFORMAT or None
Triangles are formed by initially using the first three points and
then by eliminating the second point and appending the next point
int the list. If fewer than three points are provided, this request
does nothing.
When mask-format is not None, triangles are rendered in the
following way with the effective mask computed in mask-format:
tmp = temporary alpha picture (in mask-format)
Combine (Zero, tmp, tmp, None)
for each triangle
Combine (Add, tmp, triangle, None)
Combine (op, dst, source, tmp)
When mask-format is None, triangles are rendered in the order
specified directly to the destination:
for each triangle
Combine (op, dst, source, triangle)
Alloc, IDChoice, PictFormat, Match
This request creates a container for glyphs. The glyphset and
all contained glyphs are destroyed when gsid and any other names
for the glyphset are freed. Format must be a Direct format, when
it contains RGB values, the glyphs are composited using
component-alpha True, otherwise they are composited using
component-alpha False.
existing: GLYPHSET
Alloc, IDChoice, GlyphSet
This request creates an additional name for the existing glyphset.
The glyphset will not be freed until all references to it are
glyphset: GLYPHSET
This request frees the name for the glyphset. When all names have
been freed, the glyphset and all contained glyphs are freed.
glyphset: GLYPHSET
glyphids: LISTofCARD32
data: LISTofBYTE
GlyphSet, Alloc
This request adds glyphs to glyphset. The image for the glyphs
are stored with each glyph in a separate Z-format image padded to a
32-bit boundary. Existing glyphs with the same names are replaced.
glyphset: GLYPHSET
glyphs: LISTofGLYPH
GlyphSet, Match
This request removes glyphs from glyphset. Each glyph must exist
in glyphset (else a Match error results).
mask-format: PICTFORMAT or None
glyphset: GLYPHABLE
src-x, src-y: INT16
glyphcmds: LISTofGLYPHITEM8 CompositeGlyphs8
glyphcmds: LISTofGLYPHITEM16 CompositeGlyphs16
glyphcmds: LISTofGLYPHITEM32 CompositeGlyphs32
Picture, PictOp, PictFormat, GlyphSet, Glyph
The src-x and src-y coordinates are relative to the drawable's
origin and specify the baseline starting position (the initial glyph
origin). Each glyph item is processed in turn. A glyphset item
causes the glyphset to be used for subsequent glyphs. Switching
among glyphsets does not affect the next glyph origin. A glyph
element delta-x and delta-y specify additional changes in the
position along the x and y axes before the string is drawn; the
deltas are always added to the glyph origin.
All contained GLYPHSETs are always transmitted most significant byte
If a GlyphSet error is generated for an item, the previous items may
have been drawn.
When mask-format is not None, glyphs are rendered in the following
way with the effective mask computed in mask-format:
tmp = temporary alpha picture
Combine (Zero, tmp, tmp, None)
for each glyph
Combine (Add, tmp, glyph, None)
Combine (op, dst, source, tmp)
When mask-format is None, glyphs are rendered in the order specified
directly to the destination:
for each glyph
Combine (op, dst, source, glyph)
source: PICTURE
x, y: CARD16
Errors: Alloc, IDChoice, Match, Picture
This request creates a cursor and associates identifier cid with it.
The x and y coordinates define the hotspot relative to the source's
origin and must be a point within the source (or a Match error
results). The resulting picture will nominally be drawn to the
screen with PictOpOver.
The components of the cursor may be transformed arbitrarily to meet
display limitations. In particular, if the display supports only
two colors cursors without translucency, the cursor will be
transformed so that areas less than .5 alpha will be transparent,
else opaque, and areas darker than 50% gray will be black else white.
The source picture can be freed immediately if no further explicit
references to it are to be made.
Subsequent drawing in the source has an undefined effect on the
cursor. The server might or might not make a copy of the picture.
Errors: Alloc, IDChoice, Cursor
This request creates a cursor and associates identifier cid with it.
When active, the cursor image on the screen will cycle through
'cursors', showing each cursor in the element for the number of
milliseconds indicated by the 'delay' member of that element.
picture: PICTURE
off-x, off-y: INT16
trapezoids: LISTofTRAP
Errors: Match
Each trap is PictOpAdd'ed to 'picture'. 'off-x', 'off-y'
are added to each coordinate.
'picture' must be an alpha-only picture else a 'Match' error is
color: COLOR
Creates a Source picture that represents a solid fill with
the specified color.
p1, p2: POINTFIX
nstops: CARD32
stops: LISTofFIXED
stop_colors: LISTofCOLOR
Errors: Alloc, Value
Creates a source picture representing a linear Gradient. The gradients
bounds are defined by the two end points p1 and p2.
The gradient has nstops stop points between 0 and 1, each
having a stop color defined in stop_colors.
The array of stops has to contain values between 0 and 1 (inclusive) and
has to be ordered in increasing size or a Value error is generated. If
p1 == p2 a Value error is generated.
The colors are non premultiplied.
inner_center: POINTFIX
outer_center: POINTFIX
inner_radius: FIXED
outer_radius: FIXED
nstops: CARD32
stops: LISTofFIXED
stop_colors: LISTofCOLOR
Errors: Alloc, Value
Creates a source picture representing a radial Gradient. The
gradients bounds are defined by a center point, a focal point and a
radius around the center.
The gradient has nstops stop points between 0 and 1, each
having a stop color defined in stop_colors.
The array of stops has to contain values between 0 and 1 (inclusive) and
has to be ordered in increasing size or a Value error is generated. The inner
circle has to be completely contained inside the outer one or a Value error is
The colors are non premultiplied.
center: POINTFIX
angle: FIXED
nstops: CARD32
stops: LISTofFIXED
stop_colors: LISTofCOLOR
Errors: Alloc, Value
Creates a source picture representing a conical Gradient. The
gradient is defined by a center point and an angle (in degrees).
The gradient has nstops stop points between 0 and 1, each
having a stop color defined in stop_colors.
The array of stops has to contain values between 0 and 1 (inclusive) and
has to be ordered in increasing size or a Value error is generated.
The colors are non premultiplied.
15. Extension Versioning
The Render extension was developed in parallel with the implementation to
ensure the feasibility of various portions of the design. As portions of
the extension are implemented, the version number of the extension has
changed to reflect the portions of the standard provided. This document
describes the intent for version 1.0 of the specification, the partial
implementations have version numbers less than that. Here's a list of
what each version before 1.0 implemented:
No disjoint/conjoint operators
No component alpha
Component alpha
Disjoint/Conjoint operators
subpixels member of QueryPictFormats
The repeat picture attribute now supports Pad and
Reflect, older versions only supported None and Normal.
Blend mode operators