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                  <li class=""><a href="#TEMPLATE_TOOLKIT_PLUGINS">TEMPLATE TOOLKIT PLUGINS</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_Autoformat">Autoformat</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_CGI">CGI</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_Datafile">Datafile</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_Date">Date</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_Directory">Directory</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_DBI">DBI</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_Dumper">Dumper</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_File">File</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_Filter">Filter</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_Format">Format</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_GD">GD</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_HTML">HTML</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_Iterator">Iterator</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_Pod">Pod</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_String">String</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_Table">Table</a></li>
                  <li class="sub"><a href="#section_URL">URL</a></li>
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                <h1 id="TEMPLATE_TOOLKIT_PLUGINS" onclick="switch_section(this)" title="Click title to show/hide section content.">TEMPLATE TOOLKIT PLUGINS</h1>
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                      The following plugin modules are distributed with the Template Toolkit.
                      Some of the plugins interface to external modules (detailed below) which
                      should be downloaded from any CPAN site and installed before using the
                    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_Autoformat" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Autoformat</h2>
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                          The <a href="#section_Autoformat">Template::Plugin::Autoformat</a> plugin
                          is an interface to Damian Conway's <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Text::Autoformat&mode=all">Text::Autoformat</a> Perl module which
                          provides advanced text wrapping and formatting. See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/Autoformat.html">Template::Plugin::Autoformat</a> and <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Text::Autoformat&mode=all">Text::Autoformat</a> for further
                        <pre>[% USE autoformat(left=10, right=20) %]
[% autoformat(mytext) %]        # call autoformat sub
[% mytext FILTER autoformat %]  # or use autoformat filter</pre>
                          The <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Text::Autoformat&mode=all">Text::Autoformat</a>
                          module is available from CPAN:
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_CGI" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">CGI</h2>
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                          The <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=CGI&mode=all">Template::Plugin::CGI</a> plugin is
                          a wrapper around Lincoln Stein's CGI.pm module. The plugin is distributed
                          with the Template Toolkit (see <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/CGI.html">Template::Plugin::CGI</a>) and
                          the <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=CGI&mode=all">CGI</a> module itself is distributed
                          with recent versions Perl, or is available from CPAN.
                        <pre>[% USE CGI %]
[% CGI.param('param_name') %]
[% CGI.start_form %]
[% CGI.popup_menu( Name   =&gt; 'color', 
                   Values =&gt; [ 'Green', 'Brown' ] ) %]
[% CGI.end_form %]</pre>
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_Datafile" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Datafile</h2>
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                          Provides an interface to data stored in a plain text file in a simple
                          delimited format. The first line in the file specifies field names which
                          should be delimiter by any non-word character sequence. Subsequent lines
                          define data using the same delimiter as in the first line. Blank lines
                          and comments (lines starting '#') are ignored. See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/Datafile.html">Template::Plugin::Datafile</a> for further details.
                        <pre># define names for each field
id : email : name : tel
# here's the data
fred : fred@here.com : Fred Smith : 555-1234
bill : bill@here.com : Bill White : 555-5678</pre>
                        <pre>[% USE userlist = datafile('/tmp/mydata') %]

[% FOREACH user = userlist %]
   [% user.name %] ([% user.id %])
[% END %]</pre>
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_Date" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Date</h2>
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                  <div class="body">
                          The <a href="#section_Date">Template::Plugin::Date</a> plugin provides an
                          easy way to generate formatted time and date strings by delegating to the
                          <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=POSIX&mode=all">POSIX</a> <code>strftime()</code>
                          routine. See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/Date.html">Template::Plugin::Date</a> and <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=POSIX&mode=all">POSIX</a> for further details.
                        <pre>[% USE date %]
[% date.format %]        # current time/date

File last modified: [% date.format(template.modtime) %]</pre>
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_Directory" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Directory</h2>
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                  <div class="body">
                          The <a href="#section_Directory">Template::Plugin::Directory</a> plugin
                          provides a simple interface to a directory and the files within it. See
                          <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/Directory.html">Template::Plugin::Directory</a> for further details.
                        <pre>[% USE dir = Directory('/tmp') %]
[% FOREACH file = dir.files %]
    # all the plain files in the directory
[% END %]
[% FOREACH file = dir.dirs %]
    # all the sub-directories
[% END %]</pre>
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_DBI" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">DBI</h2>
                    <a href="#body" class="top" title="Back up to the top of the page" >Top</a>
                  <div class="body">
                          The <code>DBI</code> plugin is no longer distributed as part of the
                          Template Toolkit (as of version 2.15). It is now available as a separate
                          <code>Template-Plugin-DBI</code> distribution from CPAN.
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
                  <div class="head">
                    <h2 id="section_Dumper" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Dumper</h2>
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                  <div class="body">
                          The <a href="#section_Dumper">Template::Plugin::Dumper</a> plugin
                          provides an interface to the Data::Dumper module. See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/Dumper.html">Template::Plugin::Dumper</a>
                          and <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Data::Dumper&mode=all">Data::Dumper</a> for futher
                        <pre>[% USE dumper(indent=0, pad="&lt;br&gt;") %]
[% dumper.dump(myvar, yourvar) %]</pre>
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                    <h2 id="section_File" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">File</h2>
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                          The <a href="#section_File">Template::Plugin::File</a> plugin provides a
                          general abstraction for files and can be used to fetch information about
                          specific files within a filesystem. See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/File.html">Template::Plugin::File</a> for
                          further details.
                        <pre>[% USE File('/tmp/foo.html') %]
[% File.name %]     # foo.html
[% File.dir %]      # /tmp
[% File.mtime %]    # modification time</pre>
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                    <h2 id="section_Filter" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Filter</h2>
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                          This module implements a base class plugin which can be subclassed to
                          easily create your own modules that define and install new filters.
                        <pre>package MyOrg::Template::Plugin::MyFilter;

use Template::Plugin::Filter;
use base qw( Template::Plugin::Filter );

sub filter {
    my ($self, $text) = @_;
    # ...mungify $text...
    return $text;
                          Example of use:
                        <pre># now load it...
[% USE MyFilter %]

# ...and use the returned object as a filter
[% FILTER $MyFilter %]
[% END %]</pre>
                          See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/Filter.html">Template::Plugin::Filter</a> for further details.
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_Format" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Format</h2>
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                  <div class="body">
                          The <a href="#section_Format">Template::Plugin::Format</a> plugin
                          provides a simple way to format text according to a
                          <code>printf()</code>-like format. See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/Format.html">Template::Plugin::Format</a>
                          for further details.
                        <pre>[% USE bold = format('&lt;b&gt;%s&lt;/b&gt;') %]
[% bold('Hello') %]</pre>
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
                  <div class="head">
                    <h2 id="section_GD" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">GD</h2>
                    <a href="#body" class="top" title="Back up to the top of the page" >Top</a>
                  <div class="body">
                          The <code>GD</code> plugins are no longer part of the core Template
                          Toolkit distribution. They are now available in a separate <a
                          href="#section_Template-GD">Template-GD</a> distribution.
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
                  <div class="head">
                    <h2 id="section_HTML" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">HTML</h2>
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                  <div class="body">
                          The <a href="#section_HTML">Template::Plugin::HTML</a> plugin is very
                          basic, implementing a few useful methods for generating HTML. It is
                          likely to be extended in the future or integrated with a larger project
                          to generate HTML elements in a generic way.
                        <pre>[% USE HTML %]
[% HTML.escape("if (a &lt; b &amp;&amp; c &gt; d) ..." %]
[% HTML.attributes(border =&gt; 1, cellpadding =&gt; 2) %]
[% HTML.element(table =&gt; { border =&gt; 1, cellpadding =&gt; 2 }) %]</pre>
                          See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/HTML.html">Template::Plugin::HTML</a> for further details.
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
                  <div class="head">
                    <h2 id="section_Iterator" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Iterator</h2>
                    <a href="#body" class="top" title="Back up to the top of the page" >Top</a>
                  <div class="body">
                          The <a href="#section_Iterator">Template::Plugin::Iterator</a> plugin
                          provides a way to create a <a href="../modules/Template/Iterator.html">Template::Iterator</a> object to iterate over a data set. An
                          iterator is created automatically by the <code>FOREACH</code> directive
                          and is aliased to the <code>loop</code> variable. This plugin allows an
                          iterator to be explicitly created with a given name, or the default
                          plugin name, <code>iterator</code>. See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/Iterator.html">Template::Plugin::Iterator</a> for further details.
                        <pre>[% USE iterator(list, args) %]

[% FOREACH item = iterator %]
   [% '&lt;ul&gt;' IF iterator.first %]
   &lt;li&gt;[% item %]
   [% '&lt;/ul&gt;' IF iterator.last %]
[% END %]</pre>
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_Pod" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Pod</h2>
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                  <div class="body">
                          This plugin provides an interface to the <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Pod::POM&mode=all">Pod::POM</a> module which parses POD documents into an internal
                          object model which can then be traversed and presented through the
                          Template Toolkit.
                        <pre>[% USE Pod(podfile) %]

[% FOREACH head1 = Pod.head1;
     FOREACH head2 = head1/head2;
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_String" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">String</h2>
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                          The <a href="#section_String">Template::Plugin::String</a> plugin
                          implements an object-oriented interface for manipulating strings. See <a
                          href="../modules/Template/Plugin/String.html">Template::Plugin::String</a> for further details.
                        <pre>[% USE String 'Hello' %]
[% String.append(' World') %]

[% msg = String.new('Another string') %]
[% msg.replace('string', 'text') %]

The string "[% msg %]" is [% msg.length %] characters long.</pre>
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_Table" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Table</h2>
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                          The <a href="#section_Table">Template::Plugin::Table</a> plugin allows
                          you to format a list of data items into a virtual table by specifying a
                          fixed number of rows or columns, with an optional overlap. See <a
                          href="../modules/Template/Plugin/Table.html">Template::Plugin::Table</a> for further details.
                        <pre>[% USE table(list, rows=10, overlap=1) %]

[% FOREACH item = table.col(3) %]
   [% item %]
[% END %]</pre>
                </div>    <div class="subsection">
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                    <h2 id="section_URL" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">URL</h2>
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                          The <a href="#section_URL">Template::Plugin::URL</a> plugin provides a
                          simple way of contructing URLs from a base part and a variable set of
                          parameters. See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/URL.html">Template::Plugin::URL</a> for further details.
                        <pre>[% USE mycgi = url('/cgi-bin/bar.pl', debug=1) %]

[% mycgi %]
   # ==&gt; /cgi/bin/bar.pl?debug=1

[% mycgi(mode='submit') %]
   # ==&gt; /cgi/bin/bar.pl?mode=submit&amp;debug=1</pre>
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                    <h2 id="section_Wrap" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">Wrap</h2>
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                          The <a href="#section_Wrap">Template::Plugin::Wrap</a> plugin uses the <a
                          href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Text::Wrap&mode=all">Text::Wrap</a> module to provide
                          simple paragraph formatting. See <a href="../modules/Template/Plugin/Wrap.html">Template::Plugin::Wrap</a> and
                          <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Text::Wrap&mode=all">Text::Wrap</a> for further
                        <pre>[% USE wrap %]
[% wrap(mytext, 40, '* ', '  ') %]    # use wrap sub
[% mytext FILTER wrap(40) -%]    # or wrap FILTER</pre>
                          The <code>Text::Wrap</code> module is available from CPAN:
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                    <h2 id="section_XML" onclick="switch_subsection(this)" title="Click title to show/hide sub-section content.">XML</h2>
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                          The <code>XML::DOM</code>, <code>XML::RSS</code>,
                          <code>XML::Simple</code> and <code>XML::XPath</code> plugins are no
                          longer distributed with the Template Toolkit as of version 2.15
                          They are now available in a separate <a
                          href="#section_Template-XML">Template-XML</a> distribution.
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