Direktori : /usr/share/doc/perl-Curses-UI-0.9609/examples/ |
Current File : //usr/share/doc/perl-Curses-UI-0.9609/examples/editor |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script: editor # # (c) 2001-2002 by Maurice Makaay. All rights reserved. # This file is part of Curses::UI. Curses::UI is free software. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms # as perl itself. # # e-mail: maurice@gitaar.net # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use Curses; use Cwd; # Use the libraries from the distribution, instead of # system wide libraries. use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib"; # Load an initial file if an argument given on the command line. # If the file can't be found, assume that this is a new file. my $text = ""; my $currentfile = shift; if (defined $currentfile and -f $currentfile) { open F, "<$currentfile" or die "Can't read $currentfile: $!\n"; while (<F>) { $text .= $_ } $currentfile = $currentfile; close F; } # We don't want STDERR output to clutter the screen. # # Hint: If you need STDERR, write it out to a file and put # a tail on that file to see the STDERR output. Example: #open STDERR, ">>/tmp/editor_errors.$$"; open STDERR, ">/dev/null"; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Menu definition # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- my @menu = ( { -label => 'File', -submenu => [ { -label => 'Open file ^O', -value => \&open_dialog }, { -label => 'Save file ^S', -value => \&save_dialog }, { -label => 'Exit ^Q', -value => \&exit_dialog } ] }, { -label => 'Help', -submenu => [ { -label => 'About editor', -value => \&about_dialog } ] } ); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create widgets # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the root. Everything else will be built up from here. use Curses::UI; my $cui = new Curses::UI ( -clear_on_exit => 1 ); # Add the menu to the root. my $menu = $cui->add( 'menu','Menubar', -menu => \@menu, ); # Create the screen for the editor. my $screen = $cui->add( 'screen', 'Window', -padtop => 1, # leave space for the menu -border => 0, -ipad => 0, ); # We add the editor widget to this screen. my $editor = $screen->add( 'editor', 'TextEditor', -border => 1, -padtop => 0, -padbottom => 3, -showlines => 0, -sbborder => 0, -vscrollbar => 1, -hscrollbar => 1, -showhardreturns => 0, -wrapping => 0, # wrapping slows down the editor :-( -text => $text, ); # There is no need for the editor widget to loose focus, so # the "loose-focus" binding is disabled here. This also enables the # use of the "TAB" key in the editor, which is nice to have. $editor->clear_binding('loose-focus'); # Help information for the user. $screen->add( 'help', 'Label', -y => -2, -width => -1, -reverse => 1, -paddingspaces => 1, -text => " ^Q Quit from the program ^S save file" . " ^W toggle wrapping\n" . " ^X Open the menu ^O open file" . " ^R toggle hard returns viewing", ); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Callback routines # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub open_dialog() { my $file = $cui->loadfilebrowser( -file => $currentfile, ); if (defined $file) { if (open F, "<$file") { my $text = ""; while (<F>) { $text .= $_ } close F; $editor->text($text); $editor->cursor_to_home; $currentfile = $file; } else { $cui->error(-message => "Can't read file \"$file\":\n$!"); } } } sub save_dialog() { my $file = $cui->savefilebrowser( -file => $currentfile, ); return unless defined $file; if (open F, ">$file") { print F $editor->text; if (close F) { $cui->dialog(-message => "File \"$file\"\nsuccessfully saved"); $currentfile = $file; } else { $cui->error(-message => "Error on closing file \"$file\":\n$!"); } } else { $cui->error(-message => "Can't write to $file:\n$!"); } } sub about_dialog() { $cui->dialog( -title => 'About editor', -message => "Program : Curses::UI Editor\n" . "Author : Maurice Makaay\n" . "\n" . "The sole purpose of this editor\n" . "is the demonstration of my perl\n" . "Curses::UI widget set." ); } sub exit_dialog() { my $return = $cui->dialog( -title => "Are you sure???", -buttons => ['yes', 'no'], -message => "Do you really want to quit?" ); exit(0) if $return; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The main loop of the program # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $cui->set_binding(\&exit_dialog, "\cQ", "\cC"); $cui->set_binding(\&save_dialog, "\cS"); $cui->set_binding(\&open_dialog, "\cO"); $cui->set_binding(sub {shift()->getobj('menu')->focus}, "\cX", KEY_F(10)); $cui->set_binding(sub { my $cui = shift; $cui->layout; $cui->draw; }, "\cL"); # Bring the focus to the editor widget. $editor->focus; $cui->mainloop;